Processing can take 1-7 business days or longer than expected due to a high volume of orders.
All shipments to USA addresses are sent via USPS First Class or Priority Mail, depending on the weight of your package.
International orders are shipped via USPS or UPS.
International VAT and Customs Charges:
Prices displayed and the total at checkout will reflect the inclusion of applicable VAT and customs charges, which are added to your order based on your shipping destination.
The amount of VAT/customs fees included in your total is calculated according to the local regulations of your country, ensuring that you know exactly what you are paying upfront.
Shipping and Additional Fees:
Please note that the checkout total covers standard VAT and customs fees as calculated. However, certain countries may have additional tax or customs policies resulting in further costs, which are beyond our control and may not be included in the initial checkout total. If you have any questions about the VAT, customs charges included in your order, or any other inquiries, please contact us at store@cleorecs.com. Our customer support team is dedicated to assisting you.